
Hi there! Today I’d like to share with you an idea I’m working on throughout the year as a Chrissy present for my Mum, who loves gardening.
I’m making her a stand up monthly calendar, with photos I’ve taken.
Here’s what I did using our current DUSTY ATTIC CHALLENGE MOOD BOARD:
The size of the whole calendar is around 8×11 inches, so the actual ‘LO’ has to be less than this.
Quite a FUN challenge scrapping this size!
I kept the detail minimal, because of the page size, keeping with the mood board palette.
Can you see I’ve popped in just a smidgen of the blues?!!!
And for the ‘magic’ part of the title, there is a very subtle shading effect…..
I covered that lovely MAGIC chippy in DUSTY ATTIC GLOSS VARNISH, then
sprinkled lightly with the same glitter that is on the bg.
I really liked the sort of ‘dew on the ground’ effect of adding some DA GLOSSY CRACKLE VARNISH
to the bg stenciling, too. I wanted to keep my page quite ‘earthy’…
And I actually looked carefully at our challenge picture & tried to mimic the overall design
with how I placed my elements.
My photo is the cave; the poppies the curved entrance:)
And once more, mounted on the calendar for Mum:
 Thanks for looking & happy scrapping ~ Lizzy 

One thought on “

  1. Anna_bora says:

    very! very beautiful!

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