Hello Dusty FANattics
I was lucky enough to get the Mother’s Day Chipboard and stencil release straight away, I would like to share this very special layout of my Mum and I. This was the first Mothers Day after my brother died and was such a hard day for everyone, however my Mum is amazing and tried to make this day about all of us, all my boys where there and of course Dad ( he was the BBQ cook) and we had a nice day together as a family.
“Unconditional Love” can describe all Mother and child relationships, although it is not all one sided I adore my Mum as I am sure you all adore yours.

The NEW Mothers Day collection can all be found HERE
I have used the stencil just in the top right hand corner with an ink pad.

I have entwined 49 and Market blooms wrapped around the flower Posies and then added the new Foliage leaves

The heart banner I used in the corner can have the mini hearts popped out of them or left in as I have. I have then used one of the new Rose Stems again with the foliage leaves.

The two smaller pieces of the lacey trim fit perfectly at the top and bottom of the laser cut polariod frame.

There is also the spelling MOM as well as MUM on the website.

The last piece I used was the Unconditional LOVE title.

The papers, washi tapes, collection pack and flowers are all from
49 and Market Vintage Artistry SKY range.
I hope you all had a marvellous Mothers Day, if not in person at least on the phone.