Serenity – Patricia Basson
Today I am sharing my creation for the Dusty Attic Blog…I love this photo of me walking amongst the fishes whilst we were in Mauritius in 2007. It was such an adventure and I tried to create a sea-like page…I think the Maiden Hair Fern chippies double well as seaweeds!
The mini Seagulls were painted with a little Faded Denim Dusty Paint and misted with some Lindy’s Stampgang mist.
I created some texture using a Stencil and Translucent Texture paste and dusted Perfect Pearls and sand over it.
After Gesso’ing my chippies, I painted them with Forrest and Pesto Paints…also from Dusty.
From the Word Pack # 5, I used Serenity as my title. It was lightly Gesso’ed, misted with LSG and touched with Alabaster Paint.
I made some circles with the Lindy’s mists and placed a glass pebble or some Clear Gloss Varnish in them.
From the Dusty Store I used the following…
Maiden Hair Fern, DA 1167
Mini Seagulls, DA 1176
Word Pack #5, DA 1046
Paints and Clear Varnish from Dusty in Colour
For amazing projects from my fellow Team mates and exciting news…please visit the Dusty blog.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
One thought on “Serenity – Patricia Basson”
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Absolutely gorgeous!