
January ATC’s by: Audrey & Karen

January ATC‘s by: Audrey & Karen

This Month The ATC Theme is – Fairies & Flutterflies

This weeks ATC Showcase was designed by our talented Design Team members:

Audrey Underwood – Wonder, Imagine, Believe

like to create depth on most pieces I work on, I think I may have gone a
little OTT (over the top) on such a small surface, but it was fun and
sometimes, a girls got to do what a girls got to do – go a little OTT!  Being a restricted working surface, Dusty’s smaller pieces are perfect, like the Mini Vine DA0370. The other small pieces were cut from one of Dusty Attics brand new release products, which will be out real soon. I
create depth by raising the pieces using foam tape or one of my
favourite glues, Liquid Scrap Dots by Helmar and mounting words on foam
tape or chipboard.

Karen Shady – Once Upon A Springtime

Products used:  these are both brand new release products J DA acrylic paint_Navajo white.
is my first ever ATC, and I had a lot of fun making it. I have removed
the wings from one of the larger butterflies, to use as the fairy wings.
I simply painted them with the DA Navajo white paint, allowed that to
dry, then added Kindy glitz around the edges. I then cut a piece from
the ( new flower flourish chippy) again, painted with Navajo white
paint, then inked the outside edges of the leaves, in a soft green ink,
and the flower, in a dusty pink colour. 
like to stipple the ink onto the chipboard piece, using a makeup wedge,
working from the outside edge, fading the colour, leaving the middle
parts white.

Have a wonderful new year’s eve, and a safe and happy 2013

Karen xx

3 thoughts on “January ATC’s by: Audrey & Karen

  1. Belinda says:

    Two beautiful atcs!!!! Thanks for the awesome tips. 🙂 xoxo

  2. Lizzyc says:

    WOw! These are both mini masterpieces!! Stunning Girls!!

  3. Both such beautiful pieces of art. Amazing and wonderfully creative!

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