Design Team Project

Live your Best life – Michelle Van Oudtshoorn

As I write this blog for my post, it is a magic day here in Christchurch, NZ. It’s nice and warm and there is some sunshine – which hasn’t been present much through the last few weeks – we even had snow at the start of October. 

I have created a masculine layout to feature on the blog today. 

This is a photo of my son (a rare photo I might add, as he doesn’t like his photo being taken).  I first prepped the paper with matt gel, and adding some strips of paper, adding some green water crayon, and blending this and then rubbed on some white gesso here and there. All chipboard pieces were first dabbed with black gesso. I then added various colours of Alchemy Metallique paints to the chipboard once the black gesso was dry. I dabbed on the paint colours sporadically, until all the pieces were covered in different shades of metallique paint colours.

I used the Industrial Circle Frame (DA3361) for the frame of my photo – this one I mainy stuck to green and brown paint. Underneath the photo, I used the Industrial Square Frame (DA3362). This I cut at an angle in half, so that I could add this under the photo and circular frame – keeping the pieces apart, and then added some broken bits DA3370, and an industrial cluster DA3378, before adhering all of this to the page.

I then built up the cluster with cogs and bolts from the layered bolts (DA2880) and the new mini cogs (DA3364). 

I added the title “Live Your Best Life” and then added some green and honey coloured oxide inks around the chipboard pieces on the layout.

These are the products that I have used:

Thanks for visiting the blog.