Pssttt UPDATE – The “boss” just told me there is going to be MORE than ONE winner !!!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear
Dusty Attic….
Happy Birthday to US !!
Thats right Dusty Attic is
FIVE years old
So to celebrate we are having a BONZA BIRTHDAY
All you need to do is leave us
a birthday message in
the comments on this blog
post and our face book
page to win
Facebook page is HERE
(Comments are moderated so they wont show up straight away – but they will later)
page to win
Facebook page is HERE
(Comments are moderated so they wont show up straight away – but they will later)
so GOOD LUCK xox
Comments are closed.
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic!!!!! Amazing chippy, amazing DT and lovely ladies xxxx
Happy Birthday 5th Dusty Attic!! Wishing you fabulous birthday wishes!! Hugs Mary
Happy 5th Birthday Dusty Attic!! Wishing you birthday blessings!! Sincerely ~~ Mary
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to my favourite chipboard company and to the wonderful Jennifer Hedger for having the vision to be the foremost leader in this field! I'd sing but you wouldn't want that! All the best! 🙂
Wow, 5 years already! Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday Dusty Attic.
Happy Birthday xx
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic, love using your awesome chipboard
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic and congratulations on the wonderful chipboard pieces you have created over the years. Looking forward to more great products in the years ahead. Cheers!
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, zum Geburtstag viel Glück!! Happy Birthday Dusty Attic! I love using your wonderful, inspiring, detailed stunning, beautiful chipboards! Good luck for the next 5!
Love your products. Great to see your 5yrs old. Hope you keep going strong.
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic! Wishes for another successful year. Love your products and the Design Team rocks!
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic. Your DT always out does themselves. Here's to many more wonderful years!
Happy Birthday Dusty,i just used some of my older DA on Friday night it may be time to restock 🙂
Happy Birthday Dusti Attic, I love you so much!!!! XOXO
Happy birthday, and I hope you have many, many more!
Happy 5th Birthday Dusty Attic!!! ������������
Wow! 5 years is amazing, and many more to come. Love DA products and wish I could get my hands on more.
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic!!
congrats on 5 years of creativity and inspiration
Congratulations and happy birthday here is to any more
A huge congratulations on your birthday Dusty Attic. Thanks for all your beautiful products!
Happy 5th Birthday!! Wishing you many many more (coz I would be devasted not to be able to buy your wonderful chipboard 🙂 )
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic!
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic! Beautiful products! Wishing you many, many more!!
Well done Dusty Attic; 5 years in a very competitive industry is wonderful. Happy Birthday 😀
Congratulations and many happy years much more!
What a fantastic 5 years! Dusty Attic is going from strength to strength, just love it!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday. live Long and Prosper!
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic!!!
Happy 5th Birthday Dusty Attic……congratulations on 5 wonderful years of inspirational ideas, layouts and must have products……just love all of your "goodies"……:-)
How appropriate, five years they sometimes call it a Wooden-anniversary……….
Congratulations and up to the next 5 years
Happy Birthday. 5 years young!! Look forward to lots and heaps more awesomeness!
Happy birthday to you, you inspire me thats true, I really love your chippies, and would love to win some too!
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic!! Congrats on 5 years!!
Happy Birthday from Spain. Kisses.
Happy fifth birthday Dusty Attic!! Looking forward to many more years with your fabulous chippies!!
Til hamingju með 5 ára afmælið !! Megi ykkur farnast vel og lifa lengi !! Húrra húrra húrra !!!
Google translate will probably not manage this but this is Icelandic and contain all the best wishes for you 🙂
Of course I would love to win, but that never happens 🙁
Have a fabulous birthday 🙂
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic. I love your chippies
Happy fifth birthday and many more..hoping to win some of the incredible products!!!
Happy 5th B'day to my favorite company! Thanks for this opportunity to help you celebrate!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic! 5 years of beautiful products!
I don't use facebook. =(
Happy birthday!!!!!!!! I am so glad you were born�� your chipboard pieces are just truly amazing!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!!! N
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic and many more!!!! I so love your amazing products. It would be awesome to win some. Thanks!!!
That's so awesome! A very happy birthday to you and many happy returns of the day!
Happy fifth birthday! Here's to the next 5 years.
Happy Birthday Day Dusty Attic. You have beautiful chippies
Love your products. Just unpacked five sets that arrived this morning! Happy Birthday Dusty Attic! Good luck and fortune for the next five at least!
Happy 5th birthday. Here is to many many more xx
Happy, happy, happy birthday Dusty Attic. I hope that many more years will come. I love working with your fabulous products. It would be awesome to win some. Thanks so much and have a great day
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic. I have fond memories of the excitement of those early years and you have continued to provide inspiring products and designs for us to work with.
Happy Birthday to you happy birthday to you Happy birthday Dusty Attic Happy Birthday to you xoxox
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic, may you celebrate many more with us!
Happy birthday! Love your products and use them a lot 🙂
Happy 5th Birthday DA, I love your products
Happy birthday Dusty Attic!! 5 years old! Heres to much more fun and frivolity!!
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic, love love love your products and love Gabi too!
Happy Birthday!!!!! I wish you many more years if success!! <3
Happy Birthday Dusty Attic, your chippies R-O-C-K in the USA!!!
Congratulations on your 5th Birthday. That is a real milestone. Best wishes for the future. I have visited your facebook page but cannot leave a message there as I do not have an account.
Happy, happy birthday. Wishing you many more successful years ahead! 🙂 xx
Happy Birthday!
Have a grand birthday celebration and many more birthdays to come.
Happy Birthday to a fabulous company!! Keep bringing us the wonderful chippies 🙂
Enjoy your special Day!! Happy Birthday Dusty Attic, eat plenty of cake and do a little dance!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, happy biiiiiiiiiirthday, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy birrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthday, to you!!!