This months ATC theme – Shabby Chic – was so much fun
working with! This is so me 🙂
Lots of white and pink, lots of Dusty Attic chipboard (perfect for Shabby Chic themes!)
and lots of Dusty Roses – this is the kind of creating I really love.
I have used Snowflakes, Mini Butterflies and small pieces of Branch #2.
The snowflakes and butterflies I painted with Dusty in Color, Alabaster.
The butterflies also got touched with Dusty Pink. Then I covered the
painted chippies with Clear Gloss Varnish.
The smaller roses are Dusty Roses, color Caramel.
Thanks for stopping by today!

Don’t forget the awesome give -a – way as well
This month brings an awesome competition over at
our Facebook page (HERE)

Look at all that chippy – Paint – Gloss – Crackle
and the Paint Caddy
Go on over and join in to win !!!